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What's New at Bayside Corals | May 2021

19 May 2021
by Bayside Corals
Everything new and exciting at Bayside Corals for May, 2021.

YouTube Channel
Bayside will be phasing out our Tuesday newsletter and replacing with new YouTube content. Stay tuned, and in the interim - Subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

May Long Weekend Hours
Bayside will be open the following holiday hours over the May long weekend:
• Saturday May 22: 11am to 5pm
• Sunday May 23: Closed
• Monday May 24: Closed
• Tuesday May 25: 11am to 5pm (regular hours).

New Coral and Livestock Shipments
Bayside Corals recently received several new large fish and invertebrate shipments. Various clownfish, rare tangs, wrasse, anthias and pufferfish were received. In addition to this, many new and awesome corals have finished their quarantine process and are now available for sale in our main tanks. We now have up-to-date in-stock lists of all livestock and corals which can be accessed through the following links:
Bayside In-stock Fish
Bayside In-stock Invertebrates
Bayside In-stock Corals
Bayside In-Stock WYSIWYG Corals

If you're planning a trip in from out of town to look at a particular coral or marine entity, we do recommend that you give us a quick call prior to ensure availability (306-382-4222). Alternately, you can always place an online order to reserve anything for in-store pickup. We do take backorders for any drygoods, so even if something is temporarily out-of-stock it can still be ordered online. As always, the helpful and knowledgeable staff at Bayside Corals is here to help you anytime!
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